Children of Adam and Eve: World Hunger, Income Inequality and Our Future Roadmap
Our world, the legacy of Adam and Eve, is the common denominator of all of us. But today, as children of this legacy, our hearts are under a heavy burden due to deepening hunger and unfair income distribution around the world. On a global scale, this income inequality and rising poverty has become perhaps one of the greatest challenges we have faced in human history. Now is the time to offer the quality of life that every child of Adam and Eve deserves, with ethical, sustainable and fair strategies. This is not only the surrender of a right, but also the responsibility of the common conscience of humanity.
First of all, we see that people living in some parts of the world – that is, some of the children of Adam and Eve – consume material resources in an unfair and unbalanced way. According to Oxfam’s 2022 report, the world’s richest 1% owns 46.9% of global wealth, while the poorest 50% own only 1.9%. This means that the richest 1% of the world has 26 times more wealth than the poorest 50%. Wealth inequality has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Since 1980, the share of the world’s richest 1% has doubled, while the share of the poorest 50% has halved. This inequality contributes to many problems such as the climate crisis, health crisis and political instability. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 25,000 people die of hunger every day in the world. This means that approximately 9 million people die of hunger every year. Hunger is one of the world’s biggest health problems and is especially prevalent in developing countries. Hunger restricts human growth and development; It weakens the immune system and increases the risk of death.
Resolving this situation requires the efforts of policy makers, economists and non-governmental organizations around the world. For equitable income distribution and sustainable development, governments need to invest in social protection programs, increase access to education and health services, expand job opportunities, and implement inclusive policies for low-income communities.
Poverty and hunger are not just a common problem of an individual or a community, but a common problem of the whole world. As with universal issues such as climate change and sustainable development, alleviating this suffering requires international solidarity and cooperation. “Ending Hunger” and “Reducing Inequalities”, which are among the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, promise hope in the treatment of this deep wound. However, the way to achieve these goals is for all countries to wholeheartedly support and direct the necessary resources to this goal.
In the future, the way to save Adam and Eve’s children from this situation is to create a more just, egalitarian and inclusive world. Policy makers, community leaders and each individual have a great role to play for a better future. With good governance and comprehensive reforms, we can reduce income inequality, share resources more equitably, and ensure that everyone, all the children of Adam and Eve, have access to basic human rights. In this way, we can move towards creating a more just and livable world.
Let’s continue the article with statistical data on this subject and the number of people dying annually due to hunger.
It would be useful to look at concrete statistics to better understand the damage caused by hunger and income distribution imbalances around the world. According to the World Food Program (WFP), while 690 million people suffered from hunger in 2020, this number is expected to reach 841 million by 2030. This is a condition that affects approximately 10% of the world’s population, or 1 in 10 people.
The number of deaths due to scarce resources, unbalanced income distribution and chronic hunger is also quite high. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, approximately 9 million people die every year due to hunger and hunger-related health problems. This means that more than 24,000 people die from hunger every day, or 17 people every minute.
These statistics reveal an urgent and serious situation facing humanity. Poverty and hunger caused by scarce resources and unbalanced distribution of income negatively affect societies and hinder economic and social development. As a result, Adam and Eve’s children are forced to struggle with poverty and hunger around the world.
In order to reverse this situation in the future, governments and international organizations need to create effective and target-oriented policies. Policies that get to the root of poverty and hunger and aim for sustainable development can help societies overcome these major problems.
It is also important that societies and individuals be more conscious on this issue and strive for a more equitable distribution of resources. Because all the children of Adam and Eve have a great role in the fight against hunger and poverty around the world. Each of us must strive for a more just world and share resources more fairly. In this way, all children of Adam and Eve, we can more effectively tackle these big problems of our world and create a better future for everyone.